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Guru Ji on Sangathana & Sangha

To some this appears to be a strange phenomenon. Puzzled, they ask us, “Now that the British have left and we have become free, where is the need for a separate organization such as the Sangh? What role can it play now that we are free?” Our answer is, mere external conditions such as political independence do not preclude the need for the organized state of society. In fact, it is only a well-knit and powerful society that can enjoy the fruits of a free, peaceful and prosperous life. Organized life is as much an effective weapon for a free nation to guard its freedom as for an enslaved nation to shake off its fetters. An alert and organized nation alone can check internal corrosions and subversions, repel external aggressions and maintain its integrity and freedom intact.

Author: P P Guru Ji

Source: Bunch of Thoughts