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Forms of GOD

A student of theology, who had learnt from his teacher that God was formless and could still assume form, found his mind upset with embarrassing questions. With his doubts he approached his preceptor and requested him to remove the difficulties that assailed his mind. The preceptors said, “God is infinite and eternal and infinite are the ways in which he manifests Himself in the world; and all the things seen in the universe are nothing but Brahman”. He went on saying, “A human being can conceive of the highest being as man. Similarly, if a cow or buffalo was able to think, it would conceive of a god in the form of better cow or buffalo. So, as the minds of men are thus different from one another, their conceptions of God vary from person to person. There are as many forms of God as there are minds”.

Author: Swami Sambuddhananda

Source: VTS