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धारणात् धर्म


धारणात् धर्म इत्याहुः धर्मों धारयति प्रजाः ।
यः स्यात् धारणसंयुक्तः स धर्म इति निश्चयः ।।

English transliteration

dhāraṇāt dharma ityāhuḥ dharmoṃ dhārayati prajāḥ ।
yaḥ syāt dhāraṇasaṃyuktaḥ sa dharma iti nishchayah ।।

Hindi meaning

जो धारण करता है, एकत्र करता है, अलगाव को दूर करता है उसे धर्म कहते हैं। ऐसा धर्म प्रजा को धारण करता है। जिसमें प्रजा को एकसूत्रता में बांध देने की ताकत है वह निश्चय ही धर्म है ।

English meaning

That which holds together, unites and removes separation that is called dharma. Such dharma holds the society together. That which has the capacity to unite the entire society is most definitely dharma.

