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Geet, Subhashita, AmrutVachan and Bodhkatha

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यस्य चित्तं


यस्य चित्तं निर्विषयं हृदयं यस्य शीतलम्।
तस्य मित्रं जगत्सर्वं तस्य मुक्ति: करस्थिता।।

IAST Transliteration

yasya cittaṃ nirviṣayaṃ hṛdayaṃ yasya śītalam।
tasya mitraṃ jagatsarvaṃ tasya mukti: karasthitā।।

English meaning

He, whose mind is free from objects of senses and whose heart is calm (free from passion, anger, greed etc.), entire world is his friend and liberation or emancipation is as if in his hand only. (He is as good as liberated).